Ads @ Suri's Cupcakes

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Contest @ Suri's Cupcakes


Hehehe..x semena2 ada plak contest di Suri's Cupcakes ya..=p
Saja jak buat contest ni utk customer2 yg selama ni support..
yg x pernah jdi customer pun bleh join..xdak hal punya..hehe
tp sebelum join contest, kena la follow blog ni dlu ya...

ok..contest ni senang sj..
x perlu attach picta..x perlu ada slogan...
anda cuma perlu.....


mesti anda2 semua wonder apa yg korang akan dpt kalau teka dgn betul...

anda2 akan dapat....

1set (16pcs) of cupcakes from Suri's Cupcakes...

contest till this friday sj okeh...(1st July 2011)
cpt2 join..mana la tau sy bermurah hati tuk tambah hadiah nti...


Chocolate Madness!


hi all, lambat sikit post entry kali ni..(tp mmg slalu lmbt pun kan..) hehehe..
ok, job kali ni request from my very bff for her father's birthday..
sy kalu bab2 kek ni mmg x brapa nak pandai..hee..~ 
if cupcakes boleh skali kena deco kek yg besar gedabak tu (ekceli xda la besar mana pun) hohoho....agak sukar jg la bg sang amatur mcm sy ni...

ok..jom tgok kek dia mcm mana...

hahaha...sama jak pun mcm kek father's day ari tu..
cuma kali ni sy ada gunakan chocolate decorfil..
tu yg bekilat semacam tuh..
to ruby ~ di harap berpuas hati la hendaknya ya..
kata, support kawan kn...hee~

dan semalam, sy ada buat chocolate cupcakes utk my bro-in-law...
 a surprise for her gf konon..hee~
pun chocolate jga...ouh! sungguh chocolate madness okeh!

gf dia nih, bru balik from Ausie..
study dkt situ..tu yg welcome home tuh...
wish u both happily ever after okeh!
hmmm...i got 1 announcement..
suri's cupcakes akan ada satu lagi produk baru..
rasa2 apa ya? jom teka...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Peace be upon u..

Hi all...masa father's day hari tu..
sy bukan sj wat cupcakes for customer..
but i've baked sumthing special for my beloved man..
uwee..~ untuk mr.husband yang for the 1st time celebrate father's day..=)

sy wat kek yg simple2 jak..
Yam Chocolate Cake...=) kinda nice jg la..
boleh la d terima tekak..hehee..~

Jom tengok rupa bentuknya... ;)

simple jak kn..??
ok la bg seorang pembuat kek yg amatur..

heart them both so much!!
Alisha & Daddy.. 

ha...yg ni standard la..
tester 1 a.k.a pengacau..
dan ini tester 2..
tukang kacau juga tp yg atas td lbi extreme..

and d day after father's day is my mum befday..
happy befday mummy! 
semoga di panjangkn umur dan d murahkn rezeki..
and for that, i've bought a cake for her..
sorry i can't bake a special one for u..
tp my mum pun muak sda cium bau kek or kapkek..

here's d cake...

 ok dat's for now..
for my beloved husband..
thanks for being a man in our family..
a husband of mine..
and a dad to our beloved daughter..
wish happiness will always around us..
"Happy father's day"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hey Handsome!

Peace be upon u..

or apa sahaja pun gelarannya..
"Happy Father's Day!"

Pada mulanya, tiada plan pun mo wat cuppy for father's day..
but at last minit ada jg yg order...hee..

Jum tgok cuppies for father's day kali ni...

cool x..?
dat's sticker okay..bukan edible image..
hehhe..x smpt mo order da..heee..

Ordered by Madelena via FB..
Thanks darla!
hope u satisfied wif it..=)

Ordered by Anyss..
special thanks to gladyss...
for recommend me to her...
thanks anyss syg! hee..=)

ha...below pix adalah hasil daripada 
lebih2an cuppy..
jdi sy jdikn ianya cuppy small sets..
licin jg kena sapu..
thanks to Alin Michiko..Ezra..n kak hasnita..
thanks dearest suma!! =)

 ok..yg ni requested by my sis's fren..
Yam & Strawberry Flavor..

and last but not least..
ini cuppy yg my sis minta for her beloved husband..
konon2 luvly la tu..
jgn marah ha....

ok..tu jak cuppy tuk father's day..
to all my customer..i really hope that i met ur request..
di harap anda semua berpuas ati hendaknya ya...=)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mushi - Mushi..♥

Peace be upon u..

Mushi mushi...hee~ 
ok lemme share wif u some of my apam dotted job this few weeks...

 Ordered by sis Kentang..
wlupun dia da tukar nama on FB..
but still panggil dia sis kentang..
(mana sda spring potato???)
pls continue d biz sis...sedap! huuu..=)
but one thing to share..
Rumah Kelabu dia L.A.W.A!!
wlupun nampak sikit jak dr tepi jalan..

ha..yg ni order dr kakak angkat suri..
thanks sista!
looking forward for ur bigday project!
apam dot mushi2 yg comel pastinya utk org2 yg comel jga!
tp kita suma comel kan...kan..kan..??? heee...

ok..let share some testimonial from my customers ya..i copy from my FB..those who still not a friend of mine in FB..u can do so by clicking here..KLIK SINI ok!

testi yg last skali ni lawak sket..
promote punya promote..
rupanya promote to my husband's cuzzy..

ok...tu jak tuk kali ni.. those yg guna DiGi bleh usha kat cni..
tgok2 apa2 yg baru KLIK SINI

untuk yg guna U mobile pon ada..
duncha worry bebeh! bleh KLIK SINI 
bye2 bebeh2 ku skalian...

btw..not to forget..
thanx to all my supporter!!!
luv ya!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Suri is sharing recipe..

Peace be upon u..

hi all..pagi ni semangat sket..masuk dapur wif a mission.. buat biscuit cheese cake..
a very simple recipe tp sgt sedap...

ok..lets share the recipe..

 ok..what u only need are :
1. Biscuit marie
2. 2 cans of nestle cream
3. Philedelphia cream cheese
4. Susu manis..manis sesuka ati..hee

cara2nya senang jak...blend kn semua bahan2 di atas...
except for biscuit marie tu..
lepas semua sda  well blend...
susun biscuit marie td di dalam bekas..

ha..mcm ni la cara susun biscuit marie tu..easy huh..
pas susun..siram la ngan cheese td tu..
ulang langkah smpai cream cheese habis k...=)

on top of it..bleh la letak apa skali pun..
ikut suka ati..
letak cheddar cheese ka...ganache ka..or nestum..
anything u like..
i just put biskut..yg da hancur..hehe..

senang kn..
ha..lpas ni bleh la try wat biscuit cheese cake ni..
bukan susah mana pon..
take it as a first step for ur own baking move..

selamat mencuba!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is your thrill??

Peace be upon u..

Hah! rasa2 klu join contest ni bleh menang ka x..??

tp what kind of thrill? kalu thrill buat cupcakes byk2..bleh..??

x pun buat apam polkadot byk2 smpai patah tangan..??

will try..mana tau menang kan..
*fikir2 mana mo pegi kalu menang..uweee~~~*

New @ Suri's Cupcakes!

Peace be upon u..

hee..this is my new project..
insyaAllah akan jadi project kekal di Suri's Cupcakes..

dpt idea masa blogwalking dat day..♥
trima kasih pada pencetus idea..=)

Sgt sesuai untuk majlis2 kenduri..befday..doorgift dan mcm2 lagi..
Selamat Mencuba!!

Size S ~ 100pcs = RM 38.00 (W/Filling)
(w/o Filling = RM 32.00)

Filling ~ Stobery, Bluberry, Peanut, Kaya, Kelapa, Coklat =)

 Ekceli lama da buat apam dot2 ni..
cuma baru ari ni berkesempatan tuk update dlm blog..
da byk tempahan yg di ambil dan sda pun slamat dlm perut2 customer..

baru2 ni terima tempahan untuk wedding..600pcs kena siapkan..
fuh..penat jg ya..huuu~ nanges jg la klu wat sorang2...=p
alhamdulillah rezeki x putus2 untuk tempahan apam polkadot ni...
praises to Allah for his gift to us..Alhamdulillah..

Here is the apams for the wedding...

Lovey Dovey ♥ A temptation...

Peace be upon u..

Knapa ya? why..? akhir2 ni sy rasa sy mcm da lost my touch on decoration..
mcm ada jek yg kurang...huuu...pasal cuti lama sgt barangkali..huu~
jdi bg mengelakkan kecacatan pada cupcakes..huu..
skang sy suka bermain dgn accessories for decoration..
bukan accessories mcm gelang..rantai or anting2 tuh..
but this is baking accessories laa...heee~
less decoration but more on it own taste la kiranya..=)

menggiurkan okay! huuu... ~
and ada jg customer yg minta simple deco..
a very simple deco..
suka sgt la klu ada ramai cust. mcm ni..

to my usefull hands..
please be good ya for our next job..


Sweet Sakura!

Peace be upon u..

Hi all..
Kali ni cuppy job request from one of my FB frens jg..kak hasnita..=)
akak ni order utk farewell party for a trainee kat ofis drg...
mula2 sy bingung jg bila kak hasnita minta buatkan cuppies tema ala2 korean..
sbb budak tu suka sgt ngan korean drama katanya...huu~

google punya pun search..
x jg jumpa...pastu kak hasnita ni pon bgi la sample pix..
ok la..kna wat ala2 bunga sakura..hehee..
tu jek la yg paling senang..hee..
takot plak if customer request muka takuya kimura plak krg..

so0o0o0o...ini la hasilnya...

 i'm laugh when i saw my sakura at first..
sakura versi malaysia kot..
tp wlu apapun, sy sgt besyukur bila customer berpuas hati..
thanks akak!
lain kali order lagi yee....=)

E-Day ♥

Peace be upon u..

Syukur alhamdulillah cuz on last May, one of our closes fren sda pun selamat bertunang 
Dgn si cantik manis pilihan hati..chewah! tp siyes cantik! heehe...=)

Congrats Zaid and Iman...♥
Bermula sda stage yg baru..another step to go!

Ok, this luvly couple request for a set of cuppies..
hantaran dr pihak lelaki untuk pihak perempuan.. 
let see how the cuppies look like...=)

 Theme - Maroon + Gold

and 3 sets extra cuppies untuk makan2...=)


switkan? hehe..
dan ini la tuan punya badan...kekeke...
dgn barangan hantarannya...=)

 Macho?? bole2 la....=p

tp yg ini siyes lawa...huuu..swit bangat!

lawa x lawa...??
cantik kn..ini lah pilihan hati..intan payung c z8..

To both of u..
congrats once again..
semoga berkekalan hingga ke jinjang pelamin..

Berkasih Sayang ♥

Peace be upon u..

First of all, big2 sorry sbb lama x terupdate cuppy job di blog..hee..
byk cuppy job yg masi pending for entry...dan byk yg telupa amek pixca..aduh!
huu..xpa, kita pelan2 kayuh k...

Cuppy job was done by request from Fentty (FB fren) for her beloved husband..
as usual red color n love design always being a choosen one..

I hope you like it..(but seriously, i felt like i lost my touch oredy..uwaaaa!!) and as for now, fentty has been delivered such a cutey baby girl..congrats babe! Enjoy the motherhood life!

Famos Amos!