Happy 1st Birthday Nur Dhia Zayani
colorful kan?
This cupcakes is for my bff's daughter..
She request for a very colorful cuppies..
so this is the outcome for the deco job..
Jom enjoy by looking at the picta..
Deco job start at 4am tau..
hee...awal tak awal...=p
alhamdulillah..it turns so good..
puas hati sangat..
thank u ALLAH..=)
sgt berkesan tau buat deco job pagi2 buta..
hehee...tenang setenang tenangnya..
setenang air di kali..chewah! heee =)
start kul 4am finish at 6am..
but it was so frustrated...
cuz i'm not able to attend the birthday party..
u know why?
sebab ni lah....
THIS! (pix taken from Ruby's FB)
dessert table dia sgt hensem ok!
rugi tau x dtg to the party..
sangat berwarna - warni..
and plus, ada macaron di situ...
tapi xpa, cukuplah sekadar cupcakes mewakilkan diri ini..
chewah! kekekeke..
to ruby - akhirnya terlaksana jua impian dessert table tu kan..
good job buddy!
jom tengok befday girl yang so0o0o lovely..
photo taken from Ruby's FB..
tuan fotographer..mohon dicopy paste picta nya ya..=)
to Dhia Darling ~ Happy 1st Birthday syg...
Semoga jadi anak yang solehah buat Ummi dan Abi..
till then..wassalam..
semuanya comelll....