Idea kering plak dibulan posa ni..
kurang glukosa ka dalam badan..?
huhuhu...~ mcm blurr nak tulis apa...=p
ok, cuppy job kali ni ada best sket..
setelah sekian lama sy x bermain dengan fondant..
ha...kali ni customer nak guna fondant for the font on cuppy..
untuk font saja...kekeke..bukan fully fondant..=)
Ordered by Kak tynah..
baru add in FB..trus order cuppy..
kebetulan befday anak gadisnya on the day after..
actually, i know her da lama..
masa keja ngan PCSB dlu..and yes! jumpa d FB again..
Lets enjoy the artwork..
Happy Sweet 20th Birthday Asrieza!! ♥
First time tu buat benda cucuk2 tuh...hehe
tQ kak tyna for the advice..
will improve my skills by time to time...
big thanks!
Oh yes...she ordered for a set of Fresh Fruit Cupcakes as well..
till then..wassalam..♥